Looking for an even more convenient way to see what's happening at your library? Now, instead of using our blog, you can check out all the cool things that are going on by visiting our Centennial Park Library Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/CPLib. Hope to see you there soon!

Have your children pleaded with you to start recording the events of your life? 
Now may be the time to pull it all together.
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Discuss and share valuable social networking resources.
If you are interested in starting or growing a business, you will find this demonstration useful. We will explore resources, available online 24/7, that will help you write a business plan and find answers to your business questions. We'll also discuss the many resources available in Pasco County to help entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Our Facebook page lists the current schedule of events for all ages, as well as photographs of past events.
Come and build amazing Lego creations! Lego's provided. Age: Elementary
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Learn how to fold napkins in eycatching ways.
 Age: all

Watch Anime, discuss manga, learn about

Japanese culture and participate

in other related activities.

Age: Teen
Create magnets, ornaments, or sculptures using polymer clay! Let your creativity run wild!
Age: Tween (Grades 4-7)

Regina was presented with a Perfect Attendance Award Certificate.
Enjoy a variety of crafts inspired by Spring! Age: Elementary
This seminar will show you what is needed to run a business from home, give you some ideas what types of business might be suitable for you, and show you how to separate legitimate business offerings from questionable & sometimes outright scams. The seminar will include an overview of Internet Marketing to build a platform for Home Business 102.
Watch a movie at the library!
All Tweens (grades 4-7) invited. 
Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Centennial Park Library.
Call the library for more information 727 834-3204. 
Learn how to set up a free email account. No previous computer experience required.

Watch Anime, discuss manga, learn about

Japanese culture and participate in

other related activities.

Pammie was congratulated for ten years of service to Pasco County Libraries

by Nancy Fredericks, Pasco County Libraries Acting Director.
Free Program presented by SCORE.
Check out the class syllabus HERE

GRADES 6 - 12

^_^ ANIME ^_^

Watch Anime, discuss manga, learn about
Japanese culture and participate in
other related activities.

Hey Teens, we need your HELP!

Any High School or Middle School student with a Pasco County library card may be a Teen Volunteer or be part of the Teen Advisory Board. Come to the meeting and let the library know how to help meet the needs of today's teens.  Enjoy light refreshments, talk about popular teen fiction, and help plan for upcoming programs.

Stay for the Teen Knitting Club @ 6:30!

GRADES 6 - 12
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^_^ ANIME ^_^

Watch Anime, discuss manga, learn about
Japanese culture and participate in
other related activities.

Hey Teens, we need your HELP!

Any High School or Middle School student with a Pasco County library card may be a Teen Volunteer or be part of the Teen Advisory Board. Come to the meeting and let the library know how to help meet the needs of today's teens.  Enjoy light refreshments, talk about popular teen fiction, and help plan for upcoming programs.

Stay for the Teen Knitting Club @ 6:30!

GRADES 6 - 12